Jared McDaniel
Friends and Family,
Mary and I are very excited to tell you about our new adventure. Our time at Covenant Harbor is drawing to a close as God is calling us in a new direction, and we don’t have to move. I still love camp ministry and the way God uses it to change lives, but God has been stirring us in a new way. Thank you so much for your prayers, love, financial support, and care for us over the years!
Let me tell you a little more about why we are excited. Once we’re fully funded, I will start a new role as Church Partnership Director with an organization called World Orphans. World Orphans seeks to prevent families from breaking apart. There are over 153 million orphans worldwide, and studies show that over 80% of children living in orphanages have a living relative. World Orphans is committed to equipping, inspiring, and mobilizing the church to empower and preserve families so a child never grows up in an orphanage.
The really cool part of how this ministry operates is that churches that already exist internationally in the same neighborhoods as these vulnerable children and families are empowered to help strengthen those families. This program is called Home Based Care (HBC). World Orphans HBC program both addresses and prevents the rise of the orphan population. By equipping the local church, we can provide economic empowerment and care programs where families receive food, healthcare, education, emotional care, hope, and love. Churches are engaged, children are restored, and communities are transformed by the gospel of Christ.
My role is to find and foster relationships with US churches that want to enter an ongoing partnership with an international church to support the HBC program undertaken by that international church. By facilitating conversations, discipleship, leading trips, and coordinating communication my purpose is to help the body of Christ care for the “least of these” globally.
I first learned about World Orphans in June of 2020, and the thing that has most stuck with me these past three years is the way they do ministry. World Orphans places a huge priority on relationships at all levels both domestically and internationally. As I’ve learned more about how discipleship and partnership are integral to their ministry philosophy, I’ve gotten more and more excited.
Mary and I are eager to step into this hands-on role of caring for widows and orphans, and we need your help. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us. You can do so in three ways! One, become a monthly or yearly financial supporter of our ministry. Two, connect your local church with the ministry of World Orphans. And three, pray for us! My position at World Orphans is fully funded by people like you. Monthly and yearly financial gifts allow us to fund my salary and the ministry expenses I incur, while your prayers give me the encouragement I need to keep going.
Stay tuned for updates and thanks for coming on this journey with us!
Jared and Mary (and Levi, Will, and Caleb) McDaniel